Thursday, March 3, 2011

Second Semester Blog #2 A Modest Proposal

  The article, A Modest Proposal, written by Dr. Jonathan Swift, is about the difficulty times of poverty in Ireland. Dr. Jonathan wrote this article in 1729, where the Irish people was facing a hard time. Many people was hungry, “the roads and cabbin-doors crowded with beggars…” and infants grew up either became thieves, or left their country…  In order to improve their society, D. Jonathan Swift proposes the idea of eating children to save their society.  
He uses satire, anecdotes, and many (statistics) research to justified his idea of cannibalism. He then supports his idea by saying it is “for preventing the children of poor people in Ireland, from being a burden on their parents or country, and for making them beneficial to the publick.”. Since the children are a burden to their parents, especially female beggars who are helpless in raising multiple children, the idea sounds like a good solution. 
Dr. Jonathan Swift gives a negative impression of having children, since they’re nothing but burdensome. With his proposal, it will help thousands of Irish people. 
He supports his idea of eating children by saying it will solve the problem of the kids being a problem to their parents, “prevent those voluntary abortions”, and as well as feeding those hungry Irish who have been starving for months. 
I find it funny because Swift is the one who proposes the idea of eating children to save Ireland. However, it’s not his original idea, since it was given by those who have been eating children. Nevertheless, he still supports his ideas in a positive light.
One thing that stands out to me the most is the numbers that Swift uses. It seems like Swift knows what he wants to say, and have well researched before he proposes his idea to the world. He stages that Ireland consists of roughly “one million and a half…thirty thousand couple, who are able to maintain their own children… fifty thousand… who miscarry… there only remain an hundred and twenty thousand children of poor parents annually born.” Swift lists these number as if he knows it by heart. I find it’s strange because he’s one in a million of them, yet he knows what is happening and how many people are having those problems. 
Another interesting thing is his tone. Swift uses a sarcastic tone when he talks about the Irish. He stages that “hundred and twenty thousand children already computed, twenty thousand may be reserved for breed”, then he analyzes how many males and females children are there, in which he stages “one male will be sufficient to serve four females.” Also he compares them to sheep, black cattle, or swine. It’s like he doesn’t view these people as human beings, but as animals that breed baby and sell them to other people. 
Furthermore in Swift proposal, he also recommends buying the children alive, and roasting them like pigs. And the wealthy people prefer children to be plump and fat because they’re the best tasting children. Also, they can not pass fourteen years of age nor under twelve. 
After reading A Modest Proposal, toward the end of the article, he stages that “I profess, in the sincerity of my heart, that I have not the least personal interest in endeavoring to promote this necessary work, having no other motive than the publick good of my country, by advancing our trade, providing for infants…”. Swift shows that his idea was not for his own good, but for everyone. He wants to save his country and everyone from poverty by proposing with the idea of eating children. If people eat baby, it will increase the nation’s stock, boost the economy. The breeders (parents) will make profit and don’t have to be beggars anymore. This idea is quite ironic because people are not made to breed and eat their own kind, but Swift supports his idea with positive outcome, making it seems possible. 
I find his idea of eating children extremely gross, but at the same time, it is quite interesting. The idea seems crazy at first, but since Ireland is facing difficulty of poverty, the streets crowded with beggars, people are starving, many died, so consuming their own children will help their country seem like a good solution. Even though, Swift back up his claims with positive results, but is it possible? Since, (most) parents love their kids dearly, the idea of selling and eating baby, can they actually be able to do it?