The Secret Life of Bees, is a story of a 14 years old girl, Lily Owens, who lives with her unloving father, T.Ray and a few memories of her mother. All the memories she has of her mother was the items she found in the attic and little stories from her father. One day T.Ray and Lily got into a big argument and he told her she was an abandoned kid. In search for the truth, Lily went searching for the Boatwright sisters. August Boatwright, told Lily that Deborah was having a metal breakdown and she has no choice but to left home for awhile and came to live with August. When Lily heard that her mother left home and abandoned her own child to escaped from sorrow, this angered Lily.
One of Sue Monk Kidd's argument is "forgiveness". At first Lily was very angry at her mother for leaving her behind with T.Ray but at the end of the story she learned to her mother, T.Ray, and herself.
In life, there will be time when you're betrayed by someone you love but learning to forgive is the right antidote in curing our broken heart.
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